The P.I.L.O.T. Method created by Certified Coach Stephana Johnson, shows families how to eliminate stress during the hectic back to school season.
Vancouver, WA, August 26, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Stephana Johnson, mother of two young sons and the certified coach who developed the P.I.L.O.T Your Way method will share her approach in a Free Parenting Workshop: Make Back to School Stress Free at the New Seasons Market Fishers Landing during the First Thursday Event, September 4th, 2014 at 5pm.
"I’ve developed this simple method to help myself and my clients from my many years as a practitioner. I call it “P.I.L.O.T. Your Way” and it’s a series." says Johnson.
Our mission is to empower families with holistic Tools to heal and have a happy, connected family.
Stephana Johnson, Coach and Developer of PILOT Your Way
"The PILOT Your Way Method is not only an analogy to the experience of piloting rather than living a life and parenting on "automatic", it is also an acronym." says Johnson.
The letters stand for:
P Practicing Presence
I Intentional
L Listen, Laugh, Love
O Observe
T Tools
Some of the Tools Johnson teaches in the workshop include Simplicity Parenting and Non Violent Communcation.
The P.I.L.O.T. Your Way Through Stress For Families is a 10 week workshop plus 2 Q and A sessions. Part of the tools include the complete Simplicity Parenting Group Experience, highlights and practice skills from Non-violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg (Compassionate Communication tools) as well as Holistic Nutrition, to bring a whole and complete series of strategies, checklists and Tools for a happy and connected family.
The address for the New Seasons Market-Fisher’s Landing is 2100B SE 164th Ave, Ste 101, Vancouver, WA 98683. The Free Parenting Workshop: Make Back to School Stress Free at the First Thursday event will be in the Community Room with samples throughout the store.
For more information or to contact Stephana Johnson directly, call 360-936-3374 or visit www.pilotyourwaythroughstress.com