In Western modern culture love is celebrated in the month of February, but according to Feng Shui wisdom, the natural energies are best for love and romance at the end of Summer. Feng Shui expert, Moni Castaneda launches a new program just in time.
Knoxville, TN, August 21, 2014 (Newswire.com) - "It is during the time known in some places as the 'Indian Summer,' when the heat seems to linger as if the season would never end – except you start seeing signs in nature that it is about to end, like some trees gently starting to change color, or birds getting ready for migration – that the energy is more auspicious to find and strengthen love." says Moni Castaneda, founder of Feng Shui For Us.
In keeping with the season, Moni Castaneda is launching a series of webinars that will change the way exceptional women see love and all past relationships.
"After the webinar I had insight around "games" and why my past relationships failed...I applied 1 tool Moni gave and had 2 lovely dates in a week"
Stephana Johnson
The official launch of "Why Can't Exceptional Women Find Love" webinar is Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 10 AM. To preview the free webinar click here: Feng Shui Love Webinar
Feng Shui, the Art of Space Arrangement, is based in the same ancient Chinese wisdom behind acupuncture and other Chinese healing arts. For Moni Castenda, founder of Feng Shui For Us does more than teach "what to put where," and in what colors, shapes and materials, so one can be happy, healthy, prosperous and free.
Feng Shui is evidence-based knowledge that has been passed on from master to teacher for thousands of years and now Moni Castenda has developed Moni developed the Nine Steps to Feng Shui® System and uses the space to see what is going on in a person's life and support triggers for positive changes for them.
Moni Castaneda is the author of five text books on Feng Shui: Feng Shui for Us: The Art of Space Arrangement, Feng Shui Your Own Home, Feng Shui Your Own Life Areas, Feng Shui Your Own Yard, and Declutter Your Own Spaces.
Castaneda obtained her degree as an architect in Ecuador. Upon moving to the United States she devoted over a decade to study and research Feng Shui, and developed her own system and school – the Nine Steps to Feng Shui®.
The most common feedback Moni gets from students and clients who use her services, have taken her classes, or read her books is: "I feel more hopeful and confident about my life and my future. I know now I have a say in what happens next." Moni's school of Feng Shui is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
To find out more or see the webinar visit Feng Shui for Love Free Webinar